Thursday, May 9, 2013

No Bummer Summer

  images via

When I daydream of summer, I envision barely there shorts, tank tops that hardly touch my skin yet don't need any underpinnings, glistening skin and not a care in the world for days. 

What is my reality is, uber-pale skin that blinds the world, oversized tshirts that breathe yet show my daily bra choice, sweaty/messy skin and hair, and me being..well me! and worrying about pretty much everything known to man. 

I will be in a new place to live in about a month. It will be summer by then and since it's in the deep South, it will be SUMMER. I am looking forward to maybe letting my freak flag fly and not caring too much about wearing too little clothes(I swear my soul in a modest woman in Victorian times). I want to treat this summer like these women above and really enjoy it! I urge everyone to do the same. We always push good times further and further back in order to take care of the daily routine. But I say, Fuck it! At least once or twice month this summer. Let your freedom ring! 

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